Holy Isle

From PathfinderWiki

The mythical Holy Isle is located at the center of the Cove of the Queen in the Shackles island of Besmara's Throne. The horseshoe-shaped Holy Isle is covered by mists that vanish when a worshiper of Besmara follows the inlet that starts west of the northern curve of Besmara's Throne, passes the second narrowing, and emerges into the glorious cove.

A dozen ships sail the cove to and from the Holy Isle, where Besmara's enormous temple lies. Half of the temple is submerged in the islet's tiny bay. Priests and acolytes in black silk perform ceremonies in the temple and welcome those who end their Voyage there. As of 4712 AR, Laharra Seaspray was the temple's high priest of Besmara and always present.1


  1. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 16. Paizo Inc., 2012