Infernal contract

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Asmodeus wields an infernal contract and the Archstar.

Infernal contracts are potent magical agreements used by devils to claim the souls of mortals in exchange for supernatural power. These contracts are rarely offered to evil individuals, as their souls are likely damned already. Every infernal contract requires dual signatures, with one copy retained by the devil and the other by the mortal. Once signed, an infernal contract becomes absolute and overrides any other magical effect or immunity. Breaking the contract is only possible under specific circumstances. Each infernal contract specifies a benefit and payment (usually the signer's soul). While all terms are negotiable before signing, they become fixed and unalterable afterward. Infernal contracts can be undone by destroying both copies of the agreement.1

Thrune contracts

Abrogail Thrune II of Cheliax possesses the rare authority bestowed by Asmodeus himself to engage in infernal contracts with other mortals. Each of these Thrune contracts comes with specific advantages and disadvantages. Negotiations are minimal in a Thrune contract, as Abrogail demands prospective participants to accept her terms or seek alternatives (often leading to Egorian's excruciation fields). Like standard infernal contracts, both Abrogail and the other party must willingly sign the contract. The process involves creating two copies of the contract: one for Abrogail and the other for the other signatory. Abrogail can enter into any number of numerous Thrune contracts, leading some to believe she absorbs investiture from the other parties to augment her own power. Once invested, Thrune contracts are not visible, although their effects are noticeable, and anyone possessing one is constantly aware of its presence. If a creature dies while having a Thrune contract invested, its soul is bound to Hell, and it cannot be restored to life until its soul is freed. Abrogail Thrune II is known to have made Thrune contracts with the following individuals: Golath Thamus of Vyre, Steward Hedvend VI of Isger, and Maestro Quendle Strikrunner of Egorian.2


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