2332 AR

From PathfinderWiki
Age of Enthronement
2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 AR 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337

2332 AR in politics

Druma becomes an independent nation in 2332 AR.
  • A year after human Kalistocrats from the province of Druma call in the debts accrued from financing the dwarven kingdoms of the Five Kings Mountains in their centuries of civil war,1 the Kalistocrats call a summit of the dwarven leaders in Kerse and offered to forgive much of the debt in return for Druma's independence. The request is backed by the Drumans' consolidated militias and the Mercenary League. The dwarves agree to the terms and end the 700-year-long Five Kings Wars, and the nations of the Five Kings and Taldor recognize Druma as an independent sovereign nation. The landmark treaty becomes known as the Kerse Accord.2
    • During a convention to establish Druma's government in the days following the signing of the Kerse Accord, Kalistocrats consolidate power over the new nation.2
