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Small city
5,180 humans, 498 halflings, 316 elves, 237 dwarves, 182 gnomes, 95 aiuvarins, 172 others
Source: Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, pg(s). 24

Shiman-Sekh is the northwestern-most city of Osirion, located about 100 miles inland of the Inner Sea on the western edge of the great Golden Oasis, and along a trade route connecting Osirion with its western neighbor of Thuvia.1


Unlike the other great cities of Osirion, Shiman-Sekh owes its water supply not to one of the country's rivers, but to the Golden Oasis, the largest freshwater spring in the deserts of northern Garund. It seems that a massive underground river runs under the Golden Oasis. The city boundaries encompass a series of shallow lakes in the shape of lotus petals stretched out over several square miles. Each lake serves as home to thousands of waterfowl and a small population of hetkoshu. Valuable farmlands around these lakes dwarf the urban area of Shiman-Sekh itself.2

The city streets are laid out to resemble the roots of the lotus flower, and this arrangement has not changed in the over 7,000 years of the city's existence.2


The precise history of the city is unclear, but legend holds that the city was constructed by the Song Pharaoh in -3047 AR after she defeated the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues, making it one of the oldest cities of Osirion. The modern city is built upon the foundations of earlier structures, and those upon even older ones.21 What is known is that from the time of the establishment of Shiman-Sekh, Ancient Osirion embarked upon great leaps forward in the arts, in technology, and culturally.3

Places of interest

See also: Category:Shiman-Sekh/Locations

Due to its incredible age, the city is a true historical marvel, but there are a few places that draw particular interest. These include several obelisks in praise of the Song Pharaoh constructed after her reign; a large slave market in the south, established during the period of Keleshite rule,4 that services the city's agricultural labour requirements and the pleasures of its foreign clientele; and Dawnblossom, the largest Osirian temple to the goddess Sarenrae outside of Sothis.24

The Lotus Palace, located at the center of the city, is a retreat for pharaohs and it is never vacant since, by ancient tradition, its wonders should not go to waste.4

The Labyrinth of Shiman-Sekh, associated with An-Hepsu XI, was discovered in 4688 AR beneath the topsoil of the Golden Oasis.54 Soon after its discovery, it was re-sealed by order of the Ruby Prince and it is protected by a Risen Guard contingent.4


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