Flying pyramid

From PathfinderWiki

In the year 4714 AR, the long-deceased Sky Pharaoh Hakotep I of Osirion astonishingly reawakened from his ancient tomb, launching an audacious bid to reclaim his lost empire with a fleet of flying pyramids. When a heroic group succeeded in vanquishing the pharaoh, these soaring pyramids crashed to the ground, causing significant devastation upon impact. Nevertheless, these rough landings failed to annihilate the pyramids' denizens, and today, Osirion is sprinkled with these ruins teeming with monsters. Facing an overwhelming challenge, the forces under the rule of the Ruby Prince Khemet III have successfully sealed or partially cleared the pyramids closest to major cities, prohibiting entry to them. Despite these efforts, guards are frequently bribed by grave robbers or mercenaries employed by locals who live in dread of these ticking time bombs near their homes to look the other way. Some of the most renowned pyramids include the Pyramid of Broken Earth, situated near Ipeq; the Pyramid of Crashing Waves, partially submerged off the coast of Totra; the Pyramid of Righteous Fire, in proximity to An; and the Pyramid of Sounding Gales, which crash-landed into Sothis itself, devastating a segment of the Marblecourt district and compelling the Ruby Prince to enforce a permanent quarantine of the area.1


  1. Erik Mona, et al. Golden Road” in World Guide, 53–54. Paizo Inc., 2019