Order of the Honored Dead

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Order of the Honored Dead

Nomadic (primarily Smokespur)
Slay orcs
Source: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, pg(s). 50–51

The Order of the Honored Dead is a group of orc raid survivors who travel the Hold of Belkzen seeking murderous vengeance through unsanctioned guerilla warfare. Its leader, the empyrean Swiftarrow, founded the organization after losing her family to an orc raid against Lastwall in 4702 AR and having her retaliatory requests denied by her commanders.1

The organization's headquarters have moved several times and are now located in a series of modified caves southeast of Deepgate.2


  1. Tyler Beck, et al. “Adventuring in Belkzen” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 50. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. Tyler Beck, et al. “Adventuring in Belkzen” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 51. Paizo Inc., 2015