User:Aeakett/User blog/Proposed Logo Update

From PathfinderWiki

While discussing the design for our ad in the upcoming issue of Wayfinder, Yoda8myhead mentioned that we could use a new logo since our current one uses some art from a pdf that isn't covered by the community use policy. I've put together a few variations on a design that seems to work pretty well. As you can see, the only thing different in each case is the background compass. Please chime in and let me know which one you like best.

See the mockup here.

P.S. You may have also noticed that the background texture in the mockups is different. This is another product of the same discussion. Yoda8myhead and I both felt that the crinkly texture was just a bit too much, so I got out some paper samples and a scanner and came up with what you see.

OK, so it looks like the bottom left has won the face-off. As Cpt. kirstov suggested, I've thickened up the text outline slightly (about 17%), and it does make quite a difference. Unless I hear any dissent, I'll put up the new logo and background image later this afternoon or this evening. Thank you everyone for your input. —Aeakett (talk) Mon, 05 Oct 2009 17:03:00 +0000
I also like the one on the bottom-left. It has good contrast without competing with the script over it. —Brandingopportunity (talk) Fri, 02 Oct 2009 17:21:45 +0000
agreed with bottom left... although maybe a little but thicker of a outline around the P especially... since it doesn't have the contrast with the gray, the begining of the letter can be lost if people are using a big screen ( in college we'd use projectors, and pull up pages for things the characters saw/knew as they found them out.) —Cpt kirstov (talk) Sat, 03 Oct 2009 00:21:04 +0000
Concur with the bottom left. The compass rose is clearly visible, but not as overwhelming as its neighbor. —Goblin Witchlord (talk) Sat, 03 Oct 2009 22:32:33 +0000
I like the right two on the top row and the leftmost on the bottom. I think the compass rose is opaque enough that it pops out of the background texture, but not so vivid that it detracts from the awesome lettering work you did there. My preference is toward the colored ones on the top row, as the red ordinal direction arrows look nice next to the "wikia gaming" in chocolate just above the image. Also, great work! —Yoda8myhead (talk) Fri, 02 Oct 2009 15:51:54 +0000