Valley of Ghosts

From PathfinderWiki

The Valley of Ghosts is a dangerous region of the Terwa Uplands of Garund known for its especially dense fog. Careless explorers never emerge from its mists, and those who do return often report uncanny sensations and sightings of faces of the deceased in the fog.12

Explorers especially enthralled by the visions follow them deeper into the valley in the hopes of communing with the deceased's spirit, only to find themselves facing a horrifying ghost or apparition.2 A wandering bard known as the Ghost-Drummer comes to the aid of such lost travelers by playing his wooden drums until the spirit disperses, then leading the traveler out of the valley.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Laura-Shay Adams, et al. “Geography” in The Mwangi Expanse, 183. Paizo Inc., 2021
  2. 2.0 2.1 Rigby Bendele, et al. “Folklore & Mythology” in Travel Guide, 82. Paizo Inc., 2022