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The Sculptor
Source: Elves of Golarion, pg(s). 13 (1E)
Hellknight Hill, pg(s). 4 (2E)

Candlaron the Sculptor was a legendary elven hero credited with creating the artifact known as the Sovyrian Stone.

He is also believed to have created the first elf gates, basing them on a mysterious magical arch that he had found linking the sister planets of Golarion and Castrovel. According to legend, he personally carved many of the elf gates that can be found on both planets.1

His ultimate fate is unknown. It is said that he stepped through the magical arch that had so inspired him and was never seen again. The secret of creating elf gates was lost with him.2 Due to spending extended periods of time working with the aiudara of Alseta's Ring, Candlaron left an imprint of his spirit on the gates, resulting in the creation of a spiritual echo of himself.3


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  1. Amanda Hamon. “Hellknight Hill” in Hellknight Hill, 4. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. Hal Maclean & Jeff Quick. Kyonin: Kingdom of the Elves” in Elves of Golarion, 18. Paizo Inc., 2008
  3. Luis Loza. “Broken Promises” in Broken Promises, 55. Paizo Inc., 2019