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City in the Lion's Eye

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Adventure Path #130: City in the Lion's Eye
Cover Image
Book - Adventure Path issue

City in the Lion's Eye, a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure written by Mikko Kallio, with supporting articles by Ron Lundeen, Eleanor Ferron, Liz Smith, Mike Headley, Joe Kondrak, and Kalervo Oikarinen, was released on May 30, 2018. It is the fourth adventure in the War for the Crown Pathfinder Adventure Path.

The Worst in Others
As the War for the Crown escalates, General PythareusPrincess Eutropia's rival for the throne—plots to plunge the nation into war, threatening to kill thousands of people to rally others to him. From the fortress-city of Zimar, he commands the overwhelming army of Taldor, as well as one of the most ruthless spymasters the world has ever known. Even with the resources of the legendary Lion Blades to aid them, can the PCs hope to outmaneuver conspiracy and prevent the War for the Crown from becoming a war between nations, or will Taldor again descend into a thousand years of violence?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the War for the Crown Adventure Path and includes:


Foreword: "The Tale of the Time-Traveling Writer"
p. 2
City in the Lion's Eye
p. 4
Zimar Gazetteer
p. 62
p. 74

Adventure overview
