Festering spirit

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Festering spirit

Any land or underground
Source: Bestiary 4, pg(s). 98

A festering spirit is an undead creature risen from the corpse of an evil person buried in a mass grave, or exhumed and placed in a charnel house or ossuary, where its evil combines with others'. Especially powerful mortals might spawn multiple festering spirits that each reflect specific aspects of their personality.12

Known festering spirits

  • Haramil, an ancient Nidalese horselord, split into three personality-reflecting spirits.2


  1. Paizo Inc., et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 4, 98. Paizo Inc., 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 James Jacobs, et al. “Chapter 1: Remnants of the Dark” in Cradle of Night, 18. Paizo Inc., 2018