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Magical beast
Warm hills and deserts
Source: The Jackal's Price, pg(s). 82f.'

Beasts of legend, hadhayoshes were created by a forgotten god who forged their molten hides. Rumour has it the body of one of these creatures grants the divine right to rule, can gain the attention of the gods, or grant eternal life.


A hadhayosh resembles a gigantic ox with skin of burnished brass and a mane of pure flames. From its head grow six enormous horns, with one pair facing away like the normal horns of an ox while the other two sets curve towards its front like the horns of some fell demon. These creature all share the exact same proportions, giving more evidence to the theory that hadhayoshes were created by a very precise god of the forge. Each hadhayosh is exactly 52 feet tall at the shoulder and each weighs precisely 57 tons.1

Habitat and ecology

Despite their vast size and incredible power, hadhayoshes behave in a docile manner very similar to the mundane ox. For the most part they simply wander the world grazing. When threatened, they become ferocious, though normally only the mightiest dragon would dare challenge them.

They seem to require a tiny amount of food for a creature so vast, consuming the foliage of only a few trees to keep them going for weeks. They also posses an uncanny ability to gain sustenance from any liquid they drink, including red-hot magma. Whenever they wander, they prefer to avoid visiting places they have visited before, leaving it for at least a year before returning to any given spot, if they return at all.12

Myths and legends

Many myths and legends have developed about the rare and mysterious hadhayosh. So rare are they that even a brief sighting of one is considered an extremely good omen (despite their size and stupidity occasionally bringing destruction to the areas they visit).

Blood of divine rulership

Hadhayoshes are believed to be sensitive to the will of the gods, and as such are hugely valued if captured alive for their divine connection. Similarly the blood of a hadhayosh is believed to be divine, and would grant the divine right of rulership to any who drink it. In the past, several desert rulers have chosen their successor by decreeing that the son who slays a hadhayosh shall be his successor. Even though this practice is far less common now, there are few better indicators of a person's courage and abilities than being able to bring down one of these mighty beasts.2

Divine servants

According to the myths of many cultures, hadhayoshes are often the favoured beasts of burden of the gods. Legends attribute many different demigods and deities as owning vast herds of these creatures, and several tales are told of heroes willing to risk their wrath by audaciously stealing one of these beasts, or who gain the gods' favour by returning one. Gorum, the Lord in Iron, is known for using these creatures to drive the massive gears of his forge.


The last rumour relating to hadhayoshes is that they can grant eternal life. It is said that combining the rare herb haoma with their flesh in a secret formula known only to the gods as hush, one can create an elixir that grants eternal life. The only thing that comes close to this power is the sun orchid elixir, which merely slows the aging process. Some believe this is why hadhayoshes are so rare, as they have been hunted nearly to extinction by those seeking everlasting life, while others claim gods grant the knowledge of hush to mortals they deem unfit simply to see them crushed by these mighty creatures.2

As mounts

Taming and riding a hadhayosh is a monumental task, not only due to their strength and the intense heat they produce, but also their stubbornness. A rider capable of great displays of divine power, such as a powerful paladin or cleric, can gain a hadhayosh's favor and dampen their heat, and the creature grants particular favor to those who follow deities of domains related to glory, fire, strength, or the sun. A hadhayosh that allows riders will carry up to a dozen of them, but offers only to carry them and will not join them in battle.2


The sight of a hadhayosh charging is so terrifying it often freezes lesser creatures with fear. Its horns can pierce even magical or supernatural defenses.

Its body emits heat so intense that merely touching it can be extremely hazardous, and they give off a unique stench that most weaker creatures find repulsive and sickening.1

On other planes

Hadhayoshes are said to have appeared in the demiplane of Kakishon, if extremely infrequently.3

External links

  • Hadhayosh (real-world mythological creature) on Wikipedia


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jacob Burgess, et al. “Bestiary” in The Jackal's Price, 82. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Jacob Burgess, et al. “Bestiary” in The Jackal's Price, 83. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. Adam Daigle, et al. “Bestiary” in The End of Eternity, 77. Paizo Inc., 2009