
From PathfinderWiki

Source: Monsters of Myth, pg(s). 60–65

Kuworsys is an aberration trapped in the Tagas Labyrinth, located in the Barrier Wall mountains near the present-day city of Duwwor, Thuvia.1


Kuworsys resembles a massive disembodied hand of flesh with two "thumbs" as hind limbs and four "fingers" as its forelimbs. It moves by crawling on these limbs, each of which ends in a hand of its own. Three bulging, bloodshot eyes protrude from its "wrist". Despite its gory appearance, it leaves no trail or scent of undeath, rot, blood, or flesh.1


Kuworsys is most well known for its gaseous emission of mind-affecting spores. Creatures affected by these spores become chronically exhausted, incapable of being sated from food, and obsessed with returning to the labyrinth. Upon expiring, the spores raise those victims as undead.1

Kuworsys is also known for standing upright on two of its limbs and snatching weapons out of foes' hands, and for wielding a magical sling.1


The aberration has been trapped by magical wards in the Tekritanin-era maze-city of Tagas for centuries. It plays with toys crafted by its former thralls in the city, many of whom continue to work as undead, and is known to experience explosive fits of rage. It views any visitors to the labyrinth as either potential entertainment or allies who might help it escape the city's wards.1
