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Per James Jacobs during PaizoCon 2024, glabrezus are Open Game License creatures and cannot be used since the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project changed the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game license to the Open RPG Creative license. Jacobs says to expect a future thematic replacement.1 -Oznogon (talk) 22:54, 27 May 2024 (UTC)


  1. "Yeah. While we can't use a vrock anymore, we CAN use a "wrath demon." So expect us to over time have thematic replacements for things like vrocks and nalfeshnees and nabasus and hezrous and glabrezus. Sorta like how the Monster Core replaces the balor with the vrolikai." James Jacobs. (May 27, 2024). Message in #james-jacobs-pathfinder-creative-director-narrative, Paizo Events Discord.

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