
From PathfinderWiki


Shensen's backstory was retroactively changed in Firebrands page 48 to remove any mention of being a drow reincarnated by Izorah, and instead describes her as an aquatic half-elf whose parents were murdered by House Thrune. For the wiki article as it was written prior to incorporating these changes, see revision 430801.

The following text was removed from the article and is retained here to maintain searchability and connecting links.

Shensen was born as an aiuvarin, and as a young child was brought to the Whisperwood by a band of her kind who perished in battle against a group of adventurers that included a Keleshite druid of Sarenrae named Izorah. Shensen was killed alongside the other drow by Izorah's magical fire, which the druid realized with shame when sorting through the aftermath of the battle. Izorah used her magic to reincarnate the child, who was reborn into the body of an aquatic half-elf. Izorah gave her her current name, and raised her as her daughter.1
Shensen lived with Izorah until agents of House Thrune came to the grove where the two lived, petrifying Izorah and carrying away her body while Shensen hid.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 James Jacobs. “NPC Gallery” in A Song of Silver, 67. Paizo Inc., 2015

Unincorporated sources