Pallid angel

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Pallid angel

(evil, extraplanar)
Any (Abaddon)
Source: Last Watch, pg(s). 82

Pallid angels are the most favoured servants of Urgathoa in the afterlife, created by her as mockeries of angels from the souls of her most devoted female worshippers.1


Pallid angels are all beautiful females with ebon-feathered wings, resembling how they used to look like (or wanted to look like) in life. If cleansed of the stains of fluids like blood and wine, which represent their hedonism, on their body, they could easily pass for actual angels. Pallid angels average seven feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds.1


Pallid angels are transformed by Urgathoa from the souls of her most fervent female devotees into embodiments of her hedonism; as a reward for their service, Urgathoa granted them bodies capable of enjoying all carnal pleasures. Although they have no need for food or sleep, they nonetheless seek out and revel in all acts of carnal pleasure. In between such orgies, pallid angels also enjoy acts of milder sensuality, which cause them to feel even more ecstatic at the greater pleasures.1

Pallid angels' hedonism also extends to their enjoyment of wanton bloodshed. They take great pleasure in torturing and killing both innocent hostages and prisoners of war, sometimes even sparing foes for this purpose. In battle, they wield profane magic and cruel weapons, and enjoy splashing enemies' blood on their bodies. If this need is not fulfilled, a pallid angel will eventually turn on her allies.1


Pallid angels live in Bloodrot, Urgathoa's domain in Abaddon. They spend most of their time indulging, and also serve as governors, arbiters, and defenders against psychopomps.1


Pallid angels are usually called to the Universe to command great armies (particularly those filled with undead), defend the sanctums of small cults or lone priests, or share in the pleasures of a hedonistic cult. Such callers would be wise to satisfy the pallid angels' hedonism in one way or another. Sometimes, Urgathoa directly dispatches them to pleasure cults to guide them to evil and Urgathoa's worship.1

Many pallid angels used to be undead daughters of Urgathoa before passing onto the afterlife. Pallid angels and daughters of Urgathoa often cooperate in service to their patron, with pallid angels fulfilling a martial role and daughters an ecclesiastical role, but their relationship is usually strained. Pallid angels pity daughters' limited ability to enjoy carnal pleasures and less direct connection to Urgathoa, and treat them with condescension; daughters of Urgathoa in turn view the non-undead pallid angels with contempt as imperfect beings.1

On Golarion

Tar-Baphon, shortly after his return to Golarion as the Whispering Tyrant, employed pallid angels to command his armies during the conquest of Ustalav. At least one remains in Virlych, having been imprisoned by Arazni before the Tyrant killed her.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Mike Headley, et al. “Bestiary” in Last Watch, 82–83. Paizo Inc., 2019