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Pathfinder for Savage Worlds

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds
Book - Sourcebook
Rule set
Savage Worlds
Boxed Set
May 2022

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, a boxed set by Pinnacle Entertainment Group, adapts the Pathfinder campaign setting for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. It is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of 2021, following a Kickstarter campaign expected to launch in January 2021.1

The Pathfinder for Savage Worlds core rulebook will include an adaptation of the Savage Worlds game mechanics for players to make and evolve characters, and for game masters to create games of their own design, for play in Pathfinder's world of Golarion. A separate purchase of the Savage Worlds core rules (SWADE) is not necessary to play. The Pathfinder for Savage Worlds boxed set—as typical for Pinnacle Entertainment Group—will include the core rulebook as well as other elements of game play for Savage Worlds like Bennies, Action Deck, Templates, Game Master Screen with adventure, Powers Cards, and more.


  1. Pinnacle Entertainment Group. (December 17, 2020). PATHFINDER® FOR SAVAGE WORLDS COMING TO KICKSTARTER JANUARY 2021, Pinnacle Entertainment Group.