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Tian Xia World Guide describes Bodhjeva and her brood (first introduced as xills in Mythic Realms) as zecuis, and the zecui's physical appearance, level/CR and parasitoidal life cycle (as described in Monster Core) further makes it clear that they're meant to be the ORC reimagination of the classic xill. - HTD (talk) 03:21, 11 May 2024 (UTC)

Notable differences between xills and zecuis:
  • Zecuis no longer have the trait, nor any abilities allowing transit via the Ethereal Plane. Xills are described as being native to the Ethereal Plane and at war with other Ethereal natives, while neither Monster Core nor Tian Xia World Guide describe any connection between zecuis and the Ethereal Plane.
  • In artwork of xills in Bestiary 2 and zecuis in Monster Core, zecuis are depicted as more insectoid, with four eyes compared to xills' two, antenna and face pincers instead of xills' tendrils and nostrils, and spider-like fur instead of xills' hairless flesh.
  • Zecuis are described as chitinous, have a mechanical ability to harden their chitin into an armor-like metallic shell, and mechanically do not possess armor. Xills are not chitinous and mechanically wear armor as equipment.
  • Zecuis are described as long-term subterranean hibernators, xills are not.
  • Xills are described as having ovipositors for egg implantation. Zecuis are not, and also lack the game mechanics of xills to implant eggs. Xill reproduction is described as implanted eggs incubating to larvae that burrow out of the host; zecuis are described as infesting living hosts with larval forms, hibernating larvae to await a living host, and transmitting themselves to more powerful creatures by being eaten.
  • Zecuis have a projectile mucus attack, xills do not.
  • Xills are described in 1E sources as being exclusively female, zecuis are not.
It might be more reasonable to flag xills as legacy content, create a new article about zecuis, and link them. Bodhjeva becoming a zecui is then a retroactive change. -Oznogon (talk) 18:34, 12 May 2024 (UTC)