Aeon tower

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An aeon tower.

The aeon towers are a series of five magical adobe towers, four located in the Swardlands in the western Isle of Kortos, and the other on the Isle of Erran.1


The aeon towers were built early in the isles' history by the god Aroden himself to house the aeon orbs that magically enhance the fertility of the surrounding area in a 15-mile radius. He is said to have "liberated" the aeon orbs from a vault in the Darklands realm of Orv.1

Since Aroden's death, the divine magic that protects the towers and the aeon orbs has started to fail. The tower near Meravon that sustains the nearby Immenwood (known as the Old Forest Tower) grows weaker every year. The Marsh Tower near the town of Willowside has lost its aeon orb to unknown thieves, rendering it unable to hold back the Welt, a strange environmental degradation that grows from the western part of the Dunmire by a mile per year. Only three aeon towers now function normally, and it is unknown how long they could last before the Isle of Kortos' agricultural prosperity fails with them.1

Named aeon towers


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Erik Mona, et al. Absalom and Starstone Isle” in World Guide, 20. Paizo Inc., 2019