
From PathfinderWiki

The Demagogue is a sadistic mix of prison and museum that contains the damned souls of some of history's most infamous tyrants and leaders. It is located in the Iron Heart district of the infernal city of Dis and made from the sculpted, still-living soulstuff of the tyrants imprisoned within it.1

Anyone is allowed to visit Demagogue and see some of Hell's most vile souls, although the steep price usually ranges from a fortune in gemstones to a shard of one's soul. Those who enter are also allowed to ask six questions of any of the creatures bound within its walls, so despite the high cost of entry the Demagogue's halls bustle with both mortal and petitioner visitors. Some have speculated that a more sinister force is at work behind the visitors to the Demagogue, considering the answers they receive and the impact of those who receive these answers have on the rest of existence.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Amanda Hamon. Dis” in Distant Realms, 20. Paizo Inc., 2018