Ghetto of Outcasts

From PathfinderWiki

The Ghetto of Outcasts is a region of the Infernal City of Dis, making up one of the great rings of the city. The Ghetto of Outcasts rings the outer walls of the true city of Dis, a shanty town of squalid lean-toes and tents that claws against the city's outer walls. The Ghettos of Outcasts is home to the souls of the entitled and condescended, doomed to forever dwell just beyond the reaches of Hell's greatest city. The walls of Dis are liable to sporadic and unpredictable expansion at the whims of Dispater, Dis's ruler, crushing and consuming any caught in its path. At the edge of the Ghetto of outcasts sits the outermost wall of Dis, separating it from the wild Outlands beyond. This wall is a horrific mass of sculpted yet still living soul-stuff riddled and spikes that tower to the height of mountains and can be up to half a mile thick.1
