Talk:Thanatotic titan/Conflicts

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Plane of banishment

Bestiary 2 267: "After they were betrayed to the gods by their own kin, the Thanatotic titans were banished into the Abyss." [Non-tiered material, publ. 2010]

Shadow of the Storm Tyrant 71: "...and banished the usurpers—the Thanatotic titans—to the darkest corners of Abaddon." [Tier 1 material, publ. 2015]

By our canon policy, the second source is preferred over the first, and I have restored that text to the article, raised this conflict note, and declared it 'Unofficially resolved'. Does anyone have any material to official resolve this? --Fleanetha (talk) 23:30, 7 December 2018 (UTC)

Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth explicitly describes the thanatotic titans as being imprisoned in the Abyss in "Ecology of the Demodand". This seems the most logical possibility to me, as the titans' demodand servants are consistently described as Chaotic Evil natives of the Abyss.
"Created by thanatotic titans, cruel children of the gods who were shackled to the Abyss long ago when they lost their war with their creators, demodands will do almost anything to curry their lieges' favor."
"The Elysian titans offered to sacrifice some of their own astonishing power if the gods would agree to banish their warmongering kin to the Abyss, on pain of death. The gods readily agreed, and thanatotic titans quickly found themselves shackled to the Abyss's depths."
--Theriocephalus (talk) 01:21, 8 December 2018 (UTC)
The hardcover Book of the Damned states:
The thanatotic titans aspired to be gods but were defeated and cast into the Abyss.
And Planar Adventures says this:
The titans of the Abyss are universally bitter, cruel, and jealous of the gods. Once hoping to be counted among the divine, they were summarily defeated by true gods and cast into the Abyss as punishment.
Seeing how Shadow of the Storm Tyrant is the only source that states 'Abaddon', I'm convinced that's an error. - HTD (talk) 01:18, 8 December 2018 (UTC)
Thanks both for the quick response and all those are Tier 1 sources. As the two hardbacks are newer than Shadow of the Storm Tyrant, they take precedence too within our policy guidelines. So, we can now unofficially resolve on the Abyss: Shadow of the Storm Tyrant is clearly an outlier here. I'll amend the text and add Planar Adventures as a reference that supersedes the others in that section. As that source has nothing to say on gigas, its presence won't suggest a book has been completed that has more to give on the subject. Book of the Damned has a minor ref to gigas, so I'll not include that.
I had a look at Paizo searching for various related topics but found nothing to officially resolve this, so please add here any such evidence found and amend the category below. --Fleanetha (talk) 10:49, 8 December 2018 (UTC)