Chang Liao Jungle

From PathfinderWiki

The Chang Liao Jungle (pronounced CHANG-leeow)1 covers large portions of eastern Po Li and western Hwanggot, with the border between the two nations running through the forest's depths.2 The forest also extends along the Xiong Dao River into Bachuan, and the jungle's roots once (though no longer) spanned the river as natural foot bridges.3

The outer reaches of the Chang Liao Jungle are a useful source of lumber and other resources, but the depths of the jungle are home to the Sunsu Godae, an isolationist tribe of Tian-Hwans who have a reputation for being deeply xenophobic toward outsiders and a stalwart force against invaders.4


  1. Eren Ahn, et al. Po Li” in Tian Xia World Guide, 171. Paizo Inc., 2024
  2. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 47. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. Eren Ahn, et al. Bachuan” in Tian Xia World Guide, 54. Paizo Inc., 2024
  4. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 26. Paizo Inc., 2011