Oracular Council

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Oracular Council
Flag of Po Li.

Rule Po Li
Source: Dragon Empires Gazetteer, pg(s). 34

The Oracular Council serves as the ruling body of the Successor State of Po Li. The council is made up of numerous powerful oracles as, while divine magic is seen as the highest form of magic in Po Li, the worship of all deities is banned. Instead, the people of Po Li are mandated a state religion that is of the Eternal Emperor, a monotheistic belief in the emperor of the now fallen Lung Wa empire reincarnated through each of its successive rulers. That the last emperor of Imperial Lung Wa died during the empire's fall in 4606 AR has not dulled this faith and does not seem to have diminished the Oracular Council's power. While the Oracular Council claims to be actively seeking a new divine heir to sit upon the Five Dragon Throne, some have speculated that the current situation actually suits them just fine. Mothers across Po Li claim that their children were born under some kind of divine sign, while these claims are mostly fanciful the inquisitors sent to investigate these claims will sometimes take the child away to be raised amongst the oracles, a small fraction of whom eventually ascend all the way to the Oracular Council.1


  1. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 34. Paizo Inc., 2011