Sea of Glass

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The Sea of Glass is a hundreds-of-miles-wide area in the northern hemisphere of Aballon that was bathed in hellish heat at some point in the distant past, burning the silicate sand into a sheet of mottled glass. This area rolls and undulates like a time-frozen liquid ocean. In flat areas, spider-legged machines, from the microscopic to the colossal, skim across the glass. Where the waves overhang or are jumbled by meteorites, iguana-like vacant-eyed crystal creatures build nests, bask in the sun, and hunt smaller machines, feeding on their electrical discharge. Rumour has it that at the exact centre of the Sea of Glass lies a pure, shining crystal palace, but no one who entered it has returned.1


  1. James L. Sutter. “Chapter 1: The Solar System” in Distant Worlds, 9. Paizo Inc., 2012