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Outlaws of Alkenstar Player's Guide 10 lists Taldane as the Grand Duchy's official language, claiming it as part of the Duchy's cosmopolitan nature, and lists Dwarven and Kelish as languages also in use, but doesn't list Osiriani as a language in use.

Inner Sea Primer, Campaign Setting, and Inner Sea World Guide 110, and Lost Omens Impossible Lands 64 and 72 all list the Dwarven, Kelish, and Osiriani languages, but not Taldane.

Wardens of the Reborn Forge, including the gazetteer appendix of Alkenstar 54ff, does not describe which languages are spoken. Characters in the adventure use "Common", but the adventure doesn't specify which language is being referred to as Common.

The wiki lists all four languages because the canon policy suggests assuming no conflict unless it is irreconcilable, but a heavy preponderance of sources suggest that Osiriani is used in Alkenstar despite its omission from Outlaws of Alkenstar Player's Guide, while that book is the only one to mention Taldane. -Oznogon (talk) 04:49, 4 April 2024 (UTC)