-3703 AR

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(Redirected from -1203 IC)
Age of Anguish
-3708 -3707 -3706 -3705 -3704 -3703 AR -3702 -3701 -3700 -3699 -3698

-3703 AR in conflicts

  • On the continent of Tian Xia, first contact between humans and nagaji leads to an unnamed war that spoils relations between them for the next 2,000 years.12



  1. 1.0 1.1 James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 15. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. 2.0 2.1 Eren Ahn, et al. “History” in Tian Xia World Guide, 7. Paizo Inc., 2024