
From PathfinderWiki
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PathfinderWiki Cheatsheet

Works anywhere in the text
Description You type You get
Italics, bold, and both

''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''

italics, bold, and both

Link to another page



"Pipe" a link to change the link's destination

[[Island of Empty Eyes (adventure)|Island of Empty Eyes]]

Island of Empty Eyes

Link to a section

[[Goblin#Habitat and Society]]
[[Goblin#Habitat and Society|where and how goblins live]]

where and how goblins live

Red link
red links in articles help by showing desired redirects or notable pages

[[something missing]]

something missing

References and footnotes
sources in the article will appear where {{Refs}} is put, typically under a level 2 section heading (see below) toward the bottom of the page; text between {{}} is for a template

This cites a book.{{Ref|The Inner Sea World Guide|4}}

This cites a website.<ref name="forum">{{Cite web |url= |title=Ask James Jacobs Anything! |author=[[James Jacobs]] |date=Dec 8, 2010 |page=Paizo Messageboards}}</ref>

This shorthand cites the same website.<ref name="forum"/>

== References ==


This cites a book.1

This cites a website.2

This shorthand cites the same website.2


  1. James Jacobs, et al. “Introduction” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 4. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. 2.0 2.1 James Jacobs. (Dec 8, 2010). Ask James Jacobs Anything!, Paizo Messageboards.

''water breathing''<sup>APG</sup>

water breathingAPG

sign your contributions when posting to a talk page; do not sign in an article, only on talk pages


Username (talk) 18:18, 19 February 2025 (UTC)

Plain website

Link a website



Link and name a website

[ PathfinderWiki]


Strike a comment
to show your previous comment is outdated

<s>This topic isn't notable.</s>

This topic isn't notable.

Hide comments that are only visible when editing
consensus is how things are decided

<!--This had consensus, discuss at talk page-->

nothing appears on the page

Show an image
for uploading, see Help:Uploading files


Embed a YouTube video


Request a citation
one of many utility templates

He slipped in his bathtub.{{Source}}

He slipped in his bathtub.[citation needed]

Add a page to a category [[Category:Category name]]
[[Category:Category name|Sort using this text instead of the page title]]

place near the bottom of a page
shows "Category name" in a bar at bottom when the page is previewed or saved
Works only at the beginning of lines
Description You type You get
Redirect to another page
redirects must be placed at the start of the first line

#REDIRECT [[Target page]]

visitors to this page are instead redirected to "Target page"

Redirect to a section of another page

#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]

visitors to this page are instead redirected to the "anchorName" section of "Target page"

Section headings
a Table of Contents will automatically be generated when four headings are added to an article

== Level 2 ==
=== Level 3 ===
==== Level 4 ====
===== Level 5 =====
====== Level 6 ======

do not use  = Level 1 =  as it is for page titles

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5
Level 6
Bulleted list

* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three

  • One
  • Two
    • Two point one
  • Three
Numbered list

# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three

  1. One
  2. Two
    1. Two point one
  3. Three
Indenting text
this is also used when replying on a talk page to make it easier to follow conversations.

no indent (normal)
: first indent
:: second indent
::: third indent
:::: fourth indent

no indent (normal)

first indent
second indent
third indent
fourth indent
often used for publication contents and lists of terms or works

; Bestiary (48)
: [[Devil]]s
:* [[bearded devil]] <!-- note that you can mix and match indents and lists -->

Bestiary (48)
the wikitable class provides PFWiki style; add sortable for sortable tables

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! scope="col" | Table header goes here
! scope="col" | One for each column
! scope="col" | This is the 3rd column
| Body of the 1st row's 1st column
| colspan="2" style="color: Red;" | Body of the 2nd and 3rd columns with red text
| Body of the 2nd row's 1st column
| Body of the 2nd row's 2nd column
| Body of the 2nd row's 3rd column

Table header goes here One for each column This is the 3rd column
Body of the 1st row's 1st column Body of the 2nd and 3rd columns with red text
Body of the 2nd row's 1st column Body of the 2nd row's 2nd column Body of the 2nd row's 3rd column