Pathfinder Battles is a ongoing line of pre-painted character miniatures to coincide with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. partners with WizKids Inc. to create a licensed set of lifelike miniatures from the incredible art and illustrations seen in many of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths, Bestiaries, setting, and core rulebooks.
Created in partnership with Reaper Miniatures, Pathfinder Miniatures are 28mm white metal gaming figurines based on the creatures and personalities of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. With dozens of beautiful sculpts already in production and more releasing every month, Pathfinder Miniatures bring the world of Pathfinder to life on your tabletop!
Pathfinder Pawns are chipboard miniatures that offer an affordable way to bring creatures and characters from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, and Pathfinder Adventure Paths to life on the tabletop. Featuring removable plastic bases and standard miniature scales, they're also suitable for other roleplaying and miniatures games.
Other miniatures
Pathfinder Flip-Mats are large, foldable, dry-erasable maps suitable for depicting large encounters with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game-compatible miniatures. Other Pathfinder products reference Flip-Mats to help game masters prep for running Pathfinder Modules or Pathfinder Society scenarios.
- Watch Station
- Thornkeep Dungeons 2-Pack
- Battlefield
- Arcane Dungeons
- Basic Terrain Multi-Pack
- Seedy Tavern
- Thieves' Guild
- Wasteland
- Falls & Rapids
- Desert Ruins
- Hill Country
- The Emerald Spire Superdungeon Multi-Pack
- City Gates
- Tech Dungeon
- Red Light District
- Flooded Dungeon
- Giant Lairs
- Warship
- Bigger Basic
- Museum
- Slum Quarter
- Winter Forest
- Noble Estate
- Bigger Tavern
- Twisted Caverns
- Hamlet
- Bigger Dungeon
- Lost City
- Mythos Dungeon
- Bigger Forest
- Asylum
- Elemental Planes Multi-Pack
- Bigger Ship
- Forbidden Jungle
- Airship
- Bigger Caverns
- Arcane Library
- Cavernous Lair
- Haunted House
- Bigger Keep
- Sunken City
- Dungeons Multi-Pack
- Bigger Bridge
- Forest Fire
- Carnival
- Bigger Village
- Forest Multi-Pack
- Wizard's Dungeon
- Bigger Sewer
- Docks
- Tavern Multi-Pack
- Wicked Dungeon
- Bigger Temple
- The Fall of Plaguestone
- Ambush Sites Multi-Pack
- Bigger Flooded Dungeon
- The Rusty Dragon Inn
- Castles Multi-Pack
- Bigger Ancient Dungeon
- The Slithering
- Haunted Dungeons Multi-Pack
- Bigger Pirate Ship
- Troubles in Otari
- City Sites Multi-Pack
- Shipwrecks
- Malevolence
- Bigger Island
- Night of the Gray Death
- Jungle Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Ghost Towns
- Enormous Forest
- Enormous Basic
- Shattered Dungeon
- Shadows at Sundown
- Enormous Dungeon
- Crown of the Kobold King
- Planar Tavern
- Deadly Mines Multi-Pack
- Swamp Ruins
- Alien Ruins
- Boardwalk
- The Enmity Cycle
- Darklands Dangers Multi-Pack
- Underground City Multi-Pack
- Rusthenge
- Night Market & Shrine
- Planes of Metal & Wood
- Temples Multi-Pack
- Boarding School
- Showtime Multi-Pack
- Treasure Trove
- Basic Environment Multi-Pack
- Village Assault
- Marsh
- Night Ambush
- Haunted Battlefield
- Occult Dungeon
- Coastline
- Fungal Forest
- Ballroom
- Rivers Multi-Pack
- Alchemical Lab
- Feasthall
- Remote Villas
- City Districts Multi-Pack
- Siege
- Command Center
- The Dead God's Hand Multi-Pack
(Reprints of out of print GameMastery or Pathfinder Flipmats)
- Tavern
- Ship
- Woodlands
- Village Square
- Forest
- Swamp
- City Streets
- Prison
- Dungeon
- Town Square
- River Crossing
- Waterfront Tavern
- Arena
- Darklands
- Battlefield
- Pub Crawl
- Watch Station
- Seedy Tavern
- Desert
- Ancient Dungeon
- Warehouse
- Pirate Ship
- Hill Country
- Deep Forest
- Dragon's Lair
- Hamlet
- City Gates
- City Market
- Bandit Outpost
- Cathedral
- Falls & Rapids
- Slum Quarter
- Red Light District
- Twisted Caverns
- Museum
- Thieves' Guild
- Tavern Multi-Pack
- Keep
- Pathfinder Lodge
- Theater
- Pirate Island
- Winter Forest
- Noble Estate
- Urban Tavern
- Haunted Dungeon
- Arcane Dungeon
- GameMastery
- Forest Path
- City Square
- Dungeon (original flip-mat)
- Tavern
- Ship
- City Market
- Woodlands
- Mountain Pass
- River Crossing
- Cathedral
- Keep
- Darklands
- Desert
- Basic
- Theater
- Dragon's Lair
- Waterfront Tavern
- Dungeon
- Arena
- Pathfinder Lodge
- Bandit Outpost
- Swamp
- Prison
- Pirate Island
- Forest
- City Streets
- Village Square
- Necropolis
- Country Inn
- Haunted Dungeon
- Monastery
- Warehouse
- Pirate Ship
- Urban Tavern
- Town Square
- Deep Forest
- Pub Crawl
- Ancient Dungeon
Pathfinder Poster Map Folios are collections of maps from Pathfinder Adventure Path issues and other Pathfinder products, as well as new maps related to the folio's contents. Every Poster Map Folio is also available as PDFs.
- Rise of the Runelords Map Folio
- Second Darkness Map Folio
- Legacy of Fire Map Folio
- City Map Folio
- Council of Thieves Map Folio
- Kingmaker Poster Map Folio
- Inner Sea Poster Map Folio
- Serpent's Skull Poster Map Folio
- Carrion Crown Poster Map Folio
- Jade Regent Poster Map Folio
- Skull and Shackles Poster Map Folio
- Shattered Star Poster Map Folio
- Reign of Winter Poster Map Folio
- Wrath of the Righteous Poster Map Folio
- Mummy's Mask Poster Map Folio
- Iron Gods Poster Map Folio
- Giantslayer Poster Map Folio
- Hell's Rebels Poster Map Folio
- Strange Aeons Poster Map Folio
- Ironfang Invasion Poster Map Folio
- Ruins of Azlant Poster Map Folio
- War for the Crown Map Folio
- Return of the Runelords Poster Map Folio
- Tyrant's Grasp Poster Map Folio
- City of Lost Omens Poster Map Folio
Launched in 2018, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles is a continuation of the modular Pathfinder Map Pack product line. Unlike the older Map Pack tiles, Flip-Tiles are double-sided, allowing for greater versatility. 42 tiles are included with every 'Starter' set while 24 tiles are in every 'Expansion' set and the 6" by 6" tiles are suitable for use with wet, dry, and permanent markers.
- Dungeon Starter Set
- Dungeon Perils Expansion Set
- Forest Starter Set
- Forest Perils Expansion Set
- Urban Starter Set
- Urban Perils Expansion Set
- Dungeon Vaults Expansion Set
- Forest Highlands Expansion Set
- Urban Sewers Expansion Set
- Darklands Starter Set
- Darklands Perils Expansion Set
- Dungeon Mazes Expansion Set
- Haunted Woodlands Expansion Set
- Urban Slums Expansion Set
- Darklands Fire Caves Expansion Set
- Wilderness Starter Set
- Wilderness Perils Expansion Set
- Urban Waterfront Expansion Set
- Fortress Starter Set
- Fortress Walls & Towers Expansion Set
- Dungeon Crypts Expansion Set
- Fortress Chambers Expansion Set
- Campsites
- Villain Lairs Set
- Monster Lairs Set
Each Pathfinder Map Pack consists of a set of rectangular cardstock maps designed to connect and tile interchangeably. Other Pathfinder products reference Map Packs to help game masters prep for running Pathfinder Modules or Pathfinder Society scenarios. Pathfinder Map Pack Product line, (operating under the GameMastery Map Pack brand from 2005–2013), concluded in 2018 with the release of Starship Decks Map Pack.
- Village
- Graveyard
- Countryside
- Fortress
- Haunted Mansion
- Dungeon Chambers
- City
- Campsites
- Sewers
- Temples
- Inns
- Tournament
- Ruins
- Slums
- Caverns
- Caravan
- Elven City
- Ancient Forest
- Waterfront
- Farmstead
- Wizard's Tower
- Town
- Extradimensional Spaces
- Jungle
- Lairs
- Boats & Ships
- Swallowed Whole
- Hellscapes
- Shops
- Ambush Sites
- Dungeon Sites
- Crypts
- Magic Academy
- Shrines
- Mines
- Palace
- Ship’s Cabins
- Lost Island
- Marketplace
- Rooftops
- Vehicles
- Ice Cavern
- Sewer System
- Army Camp
- Forest Trails
- Evil Ruins
- Dungeon Corridors
- Dungeon Dangers
- Dungeon Rooms
- Cave Tunnels
- Cave Chambers
- Starship Chambers
- Starship Corridors
- Boarding Action
- River System
- Sea Caves
- Camps & Shelters
- Forest Dangers
- Slum Quarter Alleys
- Marsh Trails
- Urban Sites
- Road System
- Perilous Paths
- Labyrinths
- Bridges
- Armada
- Desert Sites
- Secret Rooms
- Ruined Village
- Village Sites
- Fungus Forest
- Frozen Sites
- Starship Decks
Most Pathfinder First Edition Pathfinder Cards decks were poker-sized cards featuring artwork of items and people in the Pathfinder campaign setting, or optional rules for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Accessories like GM screens, combat pads, dice, and props enhance Pathfinder games, ease Game Master preparation, and help players understand the game's rules and setting.
Pathfinder First Edition also contained other accessories that weren't united under one brand name.