Ambrosia of undying hope

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Ambrosia of undying hope
(Alchemical item)

Item Level
Source: The Apocalypse Prophet, pg(s). 74
For other meanings of "ambrosia", please see ambrosia (disambiguation).

An ambrosia of undying hope1 is an alchemical elixir sacred to followers of Cayden Cailean and cults who venerate the Failed of the Test of the Starstone. While consuming it does not protect the imbiber from harm, it does prevent them from succumbing to death for the following eight hours, with the exceptions of death by disintegration or powerful supernaturally enforced methods of killing.2

An imbiber gains no additional benefits from consuming a second ambrosia of undying hope, and if it intervenes in its imbiber's death, they become immune to the benefits of drinking another dose for a full day.3


  1. The Apocalypse Prophet 74 italicizes this alchemical item.
  2. Kevin Bryan, et al. “Adventure Toolbox” in The Apocalypse Prophet, 74. Paizo Inc., 2020 ; "powerful supernaturally enforced methods of killing" refers to death effects, a purely mechanical concept with no useful in-universe description.
  3. Kevin Bryan, et al. “Adventure Toolbox” in The Apocalypse Prophet, 74. Paizo Inc., 2020