Basilisk eye

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Basilisk eye
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Usage (2E)
Affixed to a shield
Source: GM Core, pg(s). 263
On Advanced Player's Guide 256, crying angel pendants also had the trait.

Pathfinder Second Edition content
This article covers a term or subject that is relevant to the Pathfinder campaign setting only in the context of Pathfinder Second Edition or Pathfinder Lost Omens.

For another meaning of "Basilisk eye", please see Basilisk's Eye.

A basilisk eye is a talisman in the form of a slimy green stone. When affixed to a shield, the talisman glows with each blocked melee attack and allows the user to unleash its power to slow and partially petrify the attacker over time. It is named after the basilisk, renowned for its petrifying gaze.1


  1. Logan Bonner, et al. “Treasure Trove” in GM Core, 263. Paizo Inc., 2023