Crying angel pendant

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Crying angel pendant
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Usage (2E)
Affixed to armor
Source: GM Core, pg(s). 263
On Core Rulebook 566, crying angel pendants also had the trait.

Pathfinder Second Edition content
This article covers a term or subject that is relevant to the Pathfinder campaign setting only in the context of Pathfinder Second Edition or Pathfinder Lost Omens.

A crying angel pendant is a talisman in the form of an alabaster pendant. When affixed to armor, the wielder can unleash the talisman's divine magic power to attempt saving a dying or bleeding target. If used successfully, the target will return to consciousness or stop bleeding.1


  1. Logan Bonner, et al. “Treasure Trove” in GM Core, 263. Paizo Inc., 2023