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Erika Fermina

From PathfinderWiki
Erika Fermina

@astylepixie on Twitter
Los Angeles, USA

Erika Fermina is an actress known for Knights of Everflame (campaign) and other live-play RPG series. Erika was born and raised in Walnut Creek, CA. She then moved to Ashland, OR to study theatre at Southern Oregon University, where she spent most of her free time playing video games and marathoning fantasy movies with Rachel Seeley. After three years, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue her career as a stylist. She had a style blog, appropriately named A Style Pixie, and though her blog is retired, you can keep up with her style adventures on Instagram (@astylepixie) and Fashiontap (@erika). She now works for celebrity stylist, Natalie Saidi. She is a frequent attendee of any and every Renaissance Faire she can get to.

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