Iron cube

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Iron cube
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Usage (2E)
Affixed to a weapon
Source: GM Core, pg(s). 265
On Core Rulebook 567, iron cubes also have the trait.

Pathfinder Second Edition content
This article covers a term or subject that is relevant to the Pathfinder campaign setting only in the context of Pathfinder Second Edition or Pathfinder Lost Omens.

An iron cube is a talisman in the form of a cube of blackened iron hanging from an iron chain. When affixed to a weapon, the talisman's magic power can be unleashed to aid the user's attempt to knock a creature prone with their next melee attack, particularly when wielding a two-handed weapon. If successful, the attack is particularly devastating, and wielders already skilled in knocking down foes can down even larger creatures than is normally possible.1


  1. Logan Bonner, et al. “Treasure Trove” in GM Core, 265. Paizo Inc., 2023