Moonmelon festival

From PathfinderWiki

The Moonmelon festival is a five-day festival in Carpenden, a small city located in north-central Andoran. During the hottest days of summer, cartloads of moonmelons become the ammunition for a citywide food fight between the town's seven rival neighborhoods in the festival's final day. The winning neighborhood rules the town for the next year. Over the course of the festival, everything in town shuts down for the neighborhoods to celebrate another year and study their strategic plans for the festival's final day, on which every resident runs riot with overripe moonmelons and squads from each neighborhood barrage each other with pulp and juice to decide which neighborhood claims primacy for the next year.1


  1. Jonathan H. Keith, et al. “Cities of Andoran: Liberty's Foundation” in Andoran, Spirit of Liberty, 18. Paizo Inc., 2010