Orias Deckland

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Orias Deckland

Source: The Infernal Vault, pg(s). 3

Orias Deckland was the last leader of House Deckland in Absalom, a Chelaxian noble family that resided in the City at the Center of the World for some time. Once a prominent member of Absalom society, Orias' name was ruined when it was discovered that he had sold defensive plans of the city to the government of Cheliax.1


During his tenure as head of House Deckland in Absalom, Orias did his best to keep his family out of Chelaxian politics. He was seen as a man of the people, and long resisted attempts by Chelaxian agents to recruit him to their cause.1

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Orias Deckland is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
The Infernal VaultJuly 2010
School of Spirits27 August 2015