PathfinderWiki:Usage Report/Top Search Term

From PathfinderWiki

This shows the most searched for terms on the wiki.

Search Avg Daily Searches Average Time
languages 0.7 17s
gods 0.6 9s
Almas 0.4 3s
aroden 0.4 6s
books 0.4 5s
classes 0.4 21s
dragonblood 0.4 10s
Golarion 0.4 30s
half elf 0.4 23s
lust 0.4 19s
organizations 0.4 33s
planes 0.4 11s
races 0.4 9s
romance 0.4 21s
sawmankar 0.4 0s
the cleansing light 0.4 1m 27s
verduran 0.4 3s