Property:Author all

From PathfinderWiki

This entity is automatically filled with all authors, section authors and primary authors.


TypePAGE_LIST (Page)This determines what kind of values can be stored in this property and how they are edited in the forms.
Autocompletebased on values used with this propertyDescribes how form select the suggested values.


This property has 771 different values. The following are the 50 most common ones.

James Jacobs198
F. Wesley Schneider124
Adam Daigle104
Ron Lundeen97
John Compton84
Jason Bulmahn81
James L. Sutter80
Robert G. McCreary73
Jason Nelson72
Jason Keeley70
Sean K Reynolds70
Luis Loza69
Crystal Frasier62
Erik Mona62
Tim Hitchcock62
David N. Ross61
Thurston Hillman59
Greg A. Vaughan58
Mark Seifter58
Amber E. Scott56
Patrick Renie55
Linda Zayas-Palmer54
Stephen Radney-MacFarland51
Michael Sayre48
Richard Pett46
Russ Taylor45
David Schwartz44
Logan Bonner43
Owen K.C. Stephens43
Amanda Hamon42
Amber Stewart40
Mark Moreland38
Mikko Kallio38
Eleanor Ferron37
Jim Groves36
Mikhail Rekun36
James Case35
Jesse Benner34
Alexander Augunas33
Benjamin Bruck33
Jessica Catalan33
Lyz Liddell33
Larry Wilhelm31
Isabelle Thorne30
Joshua J. Frost30
Alex Riggs29
Dave Gross29
Jacob W. Michaels29
Paris Crenshaw29
Vanessa Hoskins29
Showing 20 pages using this property.