
From PathfinderWiki

The next release.


TypePAGE_LIST (Page)This determines what kind of values can be stored in this property and how they are edited in the forms.
Autocompletebased on Namespace:Main;Describes how form select the suggested values.


This property has 1777 different values. The following are the 50 most common ones.

Abomination Vaults Battle Cards2
Adventure Gear 2 Item Cards2
Ancient Dungeon Flip-Mat2
Arcane Dungeons Flip-Mat2
Arena Flip-Mat2
Bandit Outpost Flip-Mat2
Battlefield Flip-Mat2
Cathedral Flip-Mat2
City Gates Flip-Mat2
City Market Flip-Mat2
City Streets Flip-Mat2
Darklands Flip-Mat2
Deep Forest Flip-Mat2
Desert Flip-Mat2
Divine Spell Deck2
Doomsday Dawn2
Dragon's Lair Flip-Mat2
Dungeon Flip-Mat2
Falls & Rapids Flip-Mat2
Focus Spell Deck2
Forest Flip-Mat2
Forge of the Giant God2
Guns & Gears2
Guns Deck2
Hamlet Flip-Mat2
Haunted Dungeon Flip-Mat2
Hill Country Flip-Mat2
House of Harmonious Wisdom2
Keep Flip-Mat2
Monster Core Battle Cards2
Museum Flip-Mat2
Noble Estate Flip-Mat2
Occult Spell Deck2
Pathfinder Lodge Flip-Mat2
Pirate Island Flip-Mat2
Pirate Ship Flip-Mat2
Primal Spell Deck2
Prison Flip-Mat2
Pub Crawl Flip-Mat2
Rage of Elements Spell Cards2
Red Light District Flip-Mat2
Rise of the Runelords (Pathfinder Battles)2
River Crossing Flip-Mat2
Seedy Tavern Flip-Mat2
Ship Flip-Mat2
Slum Quarter Flip-Mat2
Swamp Flip-Mat2
Sword of Valor (adventure)2
Tavern Flip-Mat Multi-Pack2
The Cosmic Captive2
Showing 20 pages using this property.