
From PathfinderWiki

Source: Isles of the Shackles, pg(s). 11

Rokiere is a young copper dragon1 who resides in the Takalak Hills of Motaku Isle in the Shackles. It is said that the dragon has considerable knowledge about treasure buried in the region and she may reveal some of these secrets to any person able to make her laugh.2 This is not easy, as Rokiere is one of the more humourless dragons of her kind.3

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Paizo ceased the use of metallic dragons with the publication of Monster Core, as part of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project. When mentioned in Monster Core and subsequent publications, existing metallic dragons might be retroactively changed to new or equivalent types of non-metallic dragons.
  2. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 11. Paizo Inc., 2012
  3. Logan Bonner, et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary, 121. Paizo Inc., 2019