Template:Cite audio

From PathfinderWiki
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

{{Cite audio}} is a citation template for audio recordings.


{{Cite audio
| episode  = 
| series   = 
| director = 
| writers  = 
| studio   = 
| year     = 
| website  = 
| isbn     = 
episode (required)
Title of the audio recording. Can also be passed as title.
series (optional)
Title of the series that the recording is a part of.
director (optional)
Name of the recording's director.
writers (optional)
Name of any writers on the recording.
studio (optional)
Name of the studio that produced the recording. Can also be passed as publisher or distributor.
year (required)
Year in which the recording was released.
website (optional)
If streamed, a link to the website where the stream can be listened to. If the recording was a live stream, also use accessdate to note the date it was last accessed.
isbn (optional)
The ISBN of the work.


{{Cite audio
| episode  = [[The Slave Trenches of Hakotep (Pathfinder Legends)|The Slave Trenches of Hakotep]]
| series   = [[Mummy's Mask]]
| director = [[John Ainsworth]]
| writers  = [[Mark Wright]]
| studio   = [[Big Finish Productions]]
| year     = 2015

"The Slave Trenches of Hakotep". Mummy's Mask. Directed by John Ainsworth. Written by Mark Wright. Big Finish Productions, 2015.