Templates with the Facts prefix form the backbone of the facts framework. Most of them are automatically generated.
A list of all the facts templates:
- Accessory
- Accessory/Ask
- Accessory/Input
- Accessory/Show
- Audio
- Audio/Ask
- Audio/Input
- Audio/Show
- Book
- Book/Ask
- Book/Input
- Book/Release
- Book/Release/Ask
- Book/Release/Show
- Book/Section
- Book/Section/Ask
- Book/Section/Show
- Book/Show
- Deck
- Deck/Ask
- Deck/Input
- Deck/Show
- Form
- Helper/Create page buttons
- Infoboxes
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Bitter Bargain
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Case of Missing Persons
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Curious Claim
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Dirge for Sarkoris
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Few Flowers More
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Fistful of Flowers
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Frosty Mug
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Gilded Test
- Infoboxes/Facts:A God Falls Where Magic Fails
- Infoboxes/Facts:A History of Ashes
- Infoboxes/Facts:A History of Ashes (Pathfinder Legends)
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Knightly Mission
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Lesson in Taxonomy
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Lie Told to Strangers
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Matter of Knives
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Memory of Darkness
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Most Wondrous Exchange!
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Night at Bloodthorne Manor
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Parchment Tree
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Passage to Absalom
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Pirate's Life
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Song of Silver
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Taste of Ashes
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Tomb of Winter's Plunder
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Vision of Betrayal
- Infoboxes/Facts:A Voice in the Blight
- Infoboxes/Facts:Abducted in Aether
- Infoboxes/Facts:Abomination Vaults (Pathfinder Terrain)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Abomination Vaults (hardcover)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Abomination Vaults Battle Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Abomination Vaults Pawn Collection
- Infoboxes/Facts:Abomination Vaults Player's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Absalom, City of Lost Omens
- Infoboxes/Facts:Academy of Secrets
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Bestiary
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Class Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Class Guide Playtest
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Class Origins
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced GM Screen
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Player's Guide (First Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Player's Guide (Second Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Player's Guide (Second Edition) Playtest
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Player's Guide Character Sheet Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Player's Guide Spell Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Race Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Advanced Race Guide Playtest
- Infoboxes/Facts:Adventure Gear 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Adventure Gear 2 Item Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Adventure Gear Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Adventurer's Armory
- Infoboxes/Facts:Adventurer's Armory 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Adventurer's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Against the Scarlet Triad
- Infoboxes/Facts:Against the Unliving
- Infoboxes/Facts:Age of Ashes Pawn Collection
- Infoboxes/Facts:Age of Ashes Player's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ageless Ambitions
- Infoboxes/Facts:Agents of Edgewatch Pawn Collection
- Infoboxes/Facts:Agents of Edgewatch Player's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Agents of Evil
- Infoboxes/Facts:Agents of the Eye
- Infoboxes/Facts:Airship Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Alchemical Lab Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Alchemist Class Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Alchemy Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Alchemy Manual
- Infoboxes/Facts:Alien Ruins Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:All That Glitters
- Infoboxes/Facts:All for Immortality (scenario bundle)
- Infoboxes/Facts:All or Nothing
- Infoboxes/Facts:All the Gods Beyond
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ambush Sites Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ambush Sites Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ambush in Absalom
- Infoboxes/Facts:Among the Dead
- Infoboxes/Facts:Among the Gods
- Infoboxes/Facts:Among the Living
- Infoboxes/Facts:An Agent's Obligation
- Infoboxes/Facts:An Enkindled Carnival
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ancestry Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ancient Dungeon Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ancient Dungeon Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ancient Forest Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ancients' Anguish
- Infoboxes/Facts:Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom
- Infoboxes/Facts:Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
- Infoboxes/Facts:Animal Archive
- Infoboxes/Facts:Antihero's Handbook
- Infoboxes/Facts:Anvil of Fire
- Infoboxes/Facts:Aquatic Adventures
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arcane Anthology
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arcane Dungeons Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arcane Dungeons Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arcane Library Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arcane Spell Cards (Remastered)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arcane Spell Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Archaeology in Aspenthar
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arclord's Abode
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arclord's Envy
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arena Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arena Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Armada Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Armor Master's Handbook
- Infoboxes/Facts:Armored
- Infoboxes/Facts:Arms of the Deep
- Infoboxes/Facts:Army Camp Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Artifacts & Legends
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ashes at Dawn
- Infoboxes/Facts:Assault on Absalom
- Infoboxes/Facts:Assault on Absalom (PFSACG)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven
- Infoboxes/Facts:Assault on Longshadow
- Infoboxes/Facts:Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
- Infoboxes/Facts:Assault on the Wound
- Infoboxes/Facts:Asylum Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:At Shadow's Door
- Infoboxes/Facts:Attack of the Twice-Born
- Infoboxes/Facts:Balancing the Scales
- Infoboxes/Facts:Ballroom Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bandit Outpost Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bandit Outpost Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bandits of Immenwood
- Infoboxes/Facts:Barbarian Class Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bard Class Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Basic Environments Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Basic Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Basic Terrain Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bastard, Sword
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bastards of Golarion
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bastion in Embers
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bastion of the Waking Rune
- Infoboxes/Facts:Battle for Star's Fate
- Infoboxes/Facts:Battle of Bloodmarch Hill
- Infoboxes/Facts:Battlecry!
- Infoboxes/Facts:Battlecry! Class Playtest
- Infoboxes/Facts:Battlefield Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:Battlefield Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beacon Below
- Infoboxes/Facts:Before the Godsrain
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beginner Box (First Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beginner Box (Second Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beginner Box (Second Edition) Game Master's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beginner Box (Second Edition) Heroes' Handbook
- Infoboxes/Facts:Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bells for the Dead
- Infoboxes/Facts:Belly of the Black Whale
- Infoboxes/Facts:Below the Silver Tarn
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beneath Forgotten Sands
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beneath Unbroken Waves
- Infoboxes/Facts:Best Served Cold
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary (First Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary (Second Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 2 (First Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 2 (Second Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 2 Battle Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 2 Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 2 Pawn Collection
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 3 (First Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 3 (Second Edition)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 3 Battle Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 3 Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 3 Pawn Collection
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 4
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 4 Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 5
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 5 Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 6
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary 6 Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary Battle Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary Pawn Box
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bestiary Unleashed
- Infoboxes/Facts:Betrayal in the Bones
- Infoboxes/Facts:Between the Lines
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beyond Azlant Ridge
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beyond the Doomsday Door
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beyond the Halflight Path
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beyond the Pool of Stars
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beyond the Vault of Souls
- Infoboxes/Facts:Beyond the Veiled Past
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bid for Alabastrine
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Ancient Dungeon Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Basic Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Bridge Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Caverns Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Dungeon Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Flooded Dungeon Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Forest Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Island Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Keep Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Pirate Ship Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Sewer Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Ship Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Tavern Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Temple Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bigger Village Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Birthright Betrayed
- Infoboxes/Facts:Black Markets
- Infoboxes/Facts:Black Stars Beckon
- Infoboxes/Facts:Black Waters
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blazing Dangerous Trails
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blessings of the Forest
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood Crimes
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood Lord's Lament
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood Lords Player's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood Under Absalom
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood and Money
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood at Dralkard Manor
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood for Blood
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of Angels
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of Dragonscar
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of Fiends
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of Shadows
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Ancients
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Beast
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Beautiful
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the City
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Coven
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Elements
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Moon
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Night
- Infoboxes/Facts:Blood of the Sea
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bloodbound
- Infoboxes/Facts:Boar and Rabbit
- Infoboxes/Facts:Boarding Action Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Boarding School Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Boardwalk Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Boats & Ships Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bones of Biting Ants
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bonus Bestiary
- Infoboxes/Facts:Book of Fiends
- Infoboxes/Facts:Book of the Damned (sourcebook)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Book of the Dead
- Infoboxes/Facts:Book of the Dead Battle Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Boom Town Betrayal
- Infoboxes/Facts:Borne by the Sun's Grace
- Infoboxes/Facts:Breaking the Bones of Hell
- Infoboxes/Facts:Breath of the Dragonskull
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bridges Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Bring the House Down
- Infoboxes/Facts:Broken Chains
- Infoboxes/Facts:Broken Moon
- Infoboxes/Facts:Broken Promises
- Infoboxes/Facts:Broken Tusk Moon
- Infoboxes/Facts:Burden in Bloodcove
- Infoboxes/Facts:Burning Tundra
- Infoboxes/Facts:Burnt Offerings
- Infoboxes/Facts:Burnt Offerings (Pathfinder Legends)
- Infoboxes/Facts:By Way of Bloodcove
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cairn of Shadows
- Infoboxes/Facts:Call of the Copper Gate
- Infoboxes/Facts:Called to Darkness
- Infoboxes/Facts:Campaign Setting
- Infoboxes/Facts:Camps & Shelters Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Campsite Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Campsites Flip-Tiles
- Infoboxes/Facts:Campsites Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Captive in Crystal
- Infoboxes/Facts:Captives of Toil
- Infoboxes/Facts:Caravan Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Carnival Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Carnival of Tears
- Infoboxes/Facts:Carrion Crown Item Cards
- Infoboxes/Facts:Carrion Crown Player's Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Carrion Crown Poster Map Folio
- Infoboxes/Facts:Carrion Hill (module)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cassomir's Locker
- Infoboxes/Facts:Castles Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Castles of the Inner Sea
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cat's Cradle
- Infoboxes/Facts:Catastrophe's Spark
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cathedral Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cathedral Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cattle and Their Allies
- Infoboxes/Facts:Caught in the Eclipse
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cave Chambers Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cave Tunnels Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cavern of the Sundered Song
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cavernous Lair Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:Caverns Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Certainty
- Infoboxes/Facts:Champions of Balance
- Infoboxes/Facts:Champions of Corruption
- Infoboxes/Facts:Champions of Evil (Pathfinder Battles)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Champions of Purity
- Infoboxes/Facts:Character Guide
- Infoboxes/Facts:Character Sheet Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:Chase Cards Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:Chasing Yellow Sails
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cheliax, Empire of Devils
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cheliax, The Infernal Empire
- Infoboxes/Facts:Children of the Void
- Infoboxes/Facts:Chronicle of Legends
- Infoboxes/Facts:Chronicle of the Righteous (sourcebook)
- Infoboxes/Facts:Citadel of Corruption
- Infoboxes/Facts:Cities of Golarion
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Districts Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Gates Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Gates Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Map Folio
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Map Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Market Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Market Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Sites Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Square Flip-Mat
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Streets Flip-Mat/Map 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:City Streets Flip-Mat/Map 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:City in the Deep
- Infoboxes/Facts:City in the Lion's Eye
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Golden Death
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Locusts
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Locusts Adventure Deck
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Lost Omens (Pathfinder Battles)
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Lost Omens Poster Map Folio
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Sails and Shrouds
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Secrets
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Secrets (scenario bundle)
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Secrets 1
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Secrets 2
- Infoboxes/Facts:City of Secrets 3