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Paizo blog
Introducing the Shades of Blood Player’s Guide
The quiet daily life of Talmandor’s Bounty, a settlement on a remote island in what remains of Azlant, is thrown into turmoil as a column of shadow erupts from the sea in the distance. The column then strikes a point in the atmosphere and begins spreading out like ink poured into an inverted bowl. The shadows rush across the surface of the sea, bringing to Talmandor’s Bounty dangerous shadow creatures. You were hired as a research assistant to an astronomer who was hoping to study a stellar eclipse, a rare astronomical phenomenon. You arrive at Talmandor’s Bounty and take part
Celebrating Women’s History Month 2025
Greetings, ‘Finders! March is Women’s History Month here in the United States, and to celebrate and recognize the women who make our games happen, we’ve welcomed Paizo contributors who identify as women (inclusive of trans, cis, and nonbinary identities) to share their experiences, wisdom, and projects on the blog! This year’s theme for Women’s History Month is “Moving Forward Together—Women Educating and Inspiring Generations.” Some of our contributors have used this theme to shape their submissions. Ivis Flanagan (she/they) Have you ever looked up to someone and said, “I could NEVER do that?” I know I have. I spent years
March Digital Adventures Previews
Hello, Starfinders! The planet Aballon needs your help! First Seeker Sarmak’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity has been interrupted by Those Who Call, a fanatical cult of robotic anacites determined to draw the mysterious First Ones back to the planet Aballon. Under the ruthless leadership of Supreme-Proclaimant, Those Who Call prepare to destroy Aballon’s government and capital city of Striving using a devastating weapon reconstructed from ancient First Ones’ technology. Join First Seeker Sarmak on an emergency mission to stop Those Who Call and save Striving! Aballon’s fate is in your hands! Starfinder Society Scenario #7-12: Those
Paizo news
Goliath Coins Announces New Coin Collection Featuring Pathfinder Characters and Creatures
The Pathfinder collection features several of Pathfinder Monster Core’s new dragons, as well as iconic heroes Lini and Feiya. April 30, 2024. [Seattle, WA]: Goliath Coins and Paizo Inc. have announced a partnership to create a series of large, collector’s coins featuring Pathfinder creatures and characters. The coins, which are currently available for preorder, will ship in June. This initial series of coins has been in the works between Goliath Coins and Paizo for quite some time, and the Pathfinder Remaster Project’s new dragon designs gave Goliath Coins the perfect opportunity to craft collector’s coins that are steeped in Pathfinder
Paizo Announces Pathfinder War of Immortals Meta Event
As part of a Twitch stream on Tuesday, April 16th, Paizo announced a host of products all connected to the War of Immortals meta-event, including the death of a core deity. Wedneday, April 17th. [Seattle, WA]: Yesterday, Paizo Inc. hosted a livestream on their Twitch channel (https://twitch.tv/officialpaizo) to announce all of the products associated with the War of Immortals meta-event. This stream, hosted by Community Manager Jon Morgantini, featured members of the Pathfinder design team across lines: Michael Sayre, Design Manager, James Jacobs, Narrative Creative Director, Mark Moreland, Director of Brand, and Luis Loza, Rules & Lore Creative Director. “This
Paizo Announces Retail and Convention Partners for New PaizoCon@ Initiative
Paizo’s annual convention will now include local in-person chapters around the United States and beyond. January 9, 2024. [Seattle, WA]: As part of their annual PaizoCon celebration, Paizo will include several friendly local game stores (FLGS) and one convention as pilot partners in the PaizoCon@ project. These local game stores will receive access to the PaizoCon exclusive Organized Play releases, as well as the ability to participate in the PaizoCon Interactive Specials for both Pathfinder and Starfinder. “We’ve gotten a lot of requests for a return to in-person PaizoCon activities, but with a remote workforce, a singular event couldn’t meet