User talk:Oznogon

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This is Oznogon's talk page, where you can leave messages and comments for Oznogon.

Image category categorization

There are two methods of categorizing images beyond their most specific category.

Which of these methods is preferable? The first minimizes redundancy, however, due to the goal of representing every subcategory with one image, this would result in only one of many polearms appearing in the weapons category, and only one of many weapons in the items category.

The latter method is likely preferable, but would always result in multiple of the same image appearing in a grandparent category if a parent category also selects a representative image of their own. To prevent this, only the most specific image categories should select a representative image and none of their parent categories should.

Also, as it may not be immediately obvious whether a category is specific or a parent of other categories, do you think image categories and perhaps all categories in general, should have an additional parameter to clarify their hierarchy? I picture something similar to "See also:", which appears at the top of the page, but instead lists the hierarchy of categories it is part of. Currently, this requires scrolling to the bottom of the page and checking individual categories to see if any of them are parents. It could be a technical solution instead, but seems feasible with existing tools already.

Regardless, the guidance on categorizing artwork should elaborate on this point further. --Rexert (talk) 12:55, 20 March 2025 (UTC)

I'd suggest raising a public discussion, reaching a consensus, and being open to other options than either of those methods, including no change to existing guidance, or no guidance beyond deciding on a case-by-case basis through consensus. The practices I use are on the help document, and they were the result of several contentious discussions spanning quite a long time; significant changes to it would also benefit from consensus.
I'm far from the only editor with opinions on categorization, others have stronger opinions on the subject than I do, and regardless of the result this wiki is small enough that any decision lacking the support of other active editors is unsustainable. -Oznogon (talk) 18:30, 20 March 2025 (UTC)