Vanishing coin

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Vanishing coin
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Usage (2E)
Affixed to armor
Source: GM Core, pg(s). 267
Vanishing coin talismans are also detailed on Core Rulebook 569 with different mechanics.

Pathfinder Second Edition content
This article covers a term or subject that is relevant to the Pathfinder campaign setting only in the context of Pathfinder Second Edition or Pathfinder Lost Omens.

A vanishing coin is a talisman in the form of a copper coin attached to a strip of leather that is strung through a hole in the coin's center. While the talisman remains unused, the coin intermittently turns invisible for a few seconds. When affixed to armor, the talisman's magic power can be unleashed by stealthy individuals to temporarily become invisible at the start of a fight. This works similarly to a weak invisibility spell.1


  1. Logan Bonner, et al. “Treasure Trove” in GM Core, 267. Paizo Inc., 2023