-4120 AR
Age of Anguish | ||||||||||
-4125 | -4124 | -4123 | -4122 | -4121 | -4120 AR | -4119 | -4118 | -4117 | -4116 | -4115 |
-4120 AR in politics
- The Jistka Imperium is founded around this year in northwestern Garund by Arustun, after he had traveled the region and the planes. It is the first human civilization to emerge in the Inner Sea region since the Golarion-wide destruction caused by Earthfall.123
- â âChapter 5: The Worldâ in Campaign Setting, 201. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- â âIntroductionâ in Lost Kingdoms, 3. Paizo Inc., 2012 .
- â âOverviewâ in World Guide, 6. Paizo Inc., 2019 .