Alexevni Jeggare
Alexevni Jeggare
Alexevni Jeggare, a member of Cheliax's House Jeggare, is the owner and landlord-in-absentia of about a quarter of the Residential Ring in the Nexian city of Oenopion. One of the few outsiders wealthy enough to purchase neighborhoods in the city, he lives elsewhere, in a floating manor in the Nexian capital Quantium paid for by the extortionate rents he charges his tenants. Jeggare regularly collects rent regularly through hired Strickenguard mercenaries as part of their experimental testing, which frequently leads to his tenants being injured in the process—an issue Jeggare ignores as long as he receives the rent.1
- ↑ “Nex” in Impossible Lands, 303. Paizo Inc., 2022 .