Category:Locations by organization
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 468 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Aeldervenk family/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Al-Zabriti/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Amellas al-Hekbah/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Anaphexia/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Arcanists' Circle/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Ardoc family/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Assembly of Kings/Locationsβ (1 P)
- Augurs/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Bellflower Network/Locationsβ (14 P)
- Blackearth clan/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Blackfire Adepts/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Blackravens/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Blades of Aaramor/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Blakros family/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Blue Lords/Locationsβ (1 P)
- Bountiful Venture Company/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Broken Spine tribe/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Brotherhood of Silence/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Brotherhood of the Seven/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Brothers of the Seal/Locationsβ (1 P)
- Bunyip Club/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Bureau of Special Affairs/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Burning Mammoth following/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Catspaw Marauders/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Chelaxian Navy/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Chernasardo Rangers/Locationsβ (8 P)
- Children of Balance/Locationsβ (1 P)
- Circle of Stones/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Circle of Vissk-Thar/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Citadel Krane/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Closed Fist/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Collectors of the Abattoir/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Concord of Peers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Concordance of Elements/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Condor Company/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Conference Z/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Council of Mwanyisa/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Council of Thorns/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Council of Ushers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Court of Black Paper/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Court of Coin/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Court of Regents/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Creepers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Cult of the Child-Goddess/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Demarchy Assembly/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Diamond Regiment/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Doolun's Lads/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Dragon Warden Fellowship/Locationsβ (1 P)
- Duskwardens/Locationsβ (6 P)
- Eagle Knights/Locationsβ (6 P)
- East Mwangi Mining Company/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Endseers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Eye of the Red Worm/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Eyes of the Hawk/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Fever Brigade/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Firebrands/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Fists of Feilong/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Fleshstalkers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Forthright/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Foxclaws/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Gallowed/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Gargoyles (organization)/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Glorious Reclamation/Locationsβ (5 P)
- Golka clan/Locationsβ (1 P)
- Grand Athenaeum/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Greenbriar Fetters/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Haskodar Clan/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Hatharat/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Arkona/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Arudora/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Arvanxi/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Aulamaxa/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Aulorian/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Betony/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Caliphvaso/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Candren/Locationsβ (1 P)
- House Canter/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Crabbe/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Delronge/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Derexhi/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Deverin/Locationsβ (6 P)
- House Endrin/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Foxglove/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Galdana/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Garess/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Graydon/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Jarvis/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Jeggare/Locationsβ (6 P)
- House Jhaltero/Locationsβ (6 P)
- House Kaddren/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Kaijitsu/Locationsβ (10 P)
- House Lebeda/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Livgrace/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Lotheed/Locationsβ (6 P)
- House Medvyed/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Mindurian/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Morilla/Locationsβ (1 P)
- House Nirodin/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Occarin/Locationsβ (empty)
- House Okerra/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Parastric/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Ralthorn/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Sarini/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Scarnetti/Locationsβ (8 P)
- House Stavian/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Tanessen/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Telus/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Thrune/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Tiriac/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Valdemar/Locationsβ (10 P)
- House Vanderale/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Vashnarstill/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Venacdahlia/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Versade/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Victocora/Locationsβ (2 P)
- House Voinum/Locationsβ (4 P)
- House Vonnarc/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Imvrildarai/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Iridian Fold/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Ironsoots/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Jambala Jaeg/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Jeweled Sages/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Keeba's Eyes/Locationsβ (6 P)
- Kings and Queens of Vyre/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Kintargo Dottari/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Kitkasiticka tribe/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Knights of Abendego/Locationsβ (empty)
- Knights of Lastwall/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Knights of Salvation/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Knights of the Aeon Star/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Kortos Cavalry/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Kortos Consortium/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Korvosan Guard/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Kreed family/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Kusari-Gama/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Lantern Bearers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Lantern Lodge/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Lion Blades/Locationsβ (5 P)
- Magnimar Navy/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Mangled Limb tribe/Membersβ (2 P)
- Mercenary League/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Merry Pranksters/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Merry Widows/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Midnight Dawn/Locationsβ (6 P)
- Mizu Ki Hikari/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Molthuni Navy/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Night Scales/Locationsβ (6 P)
- Nine Forts Collective/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Ninth Battalion/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Oathkeepers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Office of Taxation/Locationsβ (1 P)
- One Eye tribe/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Oppara Constabulary/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of Cyphers/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Order of Holy Sentinels/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of Resplendence/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Black Arrow/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Chain/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Coil/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Gate/Locationsβ (8 P)
- Order of the Godclaw/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Pike/Locationsβ (8 P)
- Order of the Rack/Locationsβ (6 P)
- Order of the Thirsty Well/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Thorn/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Order of the Torrent/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Passages of Nex/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Patrons/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Penitents/Locationsβ (2 P)
- People of the Stirge/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Petronax family/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Pharasmin Penitence/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Reclaimers/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Red Jills/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Red Mantis/Locationsβ (8 P)
- Ropefists/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Sable Company/Locationsβ (4 P)
- Sacred Order of Archivists/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Scarlet Sign/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Scarlet Triad/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Scriveners' Guild/Locationsβ (2 P)
- Senate/Locationsβ (2 P)