This article contains spoilers for the following products: plot points and an encounter in The Island of the Vibrant Dead

Crypt of the Vibrant Dead

From PathfinderWiki
Site of Deadhaven, home of the Crypt of the Vibrant Dead.

The Crypt of the Vibrant Dead is a granite and marble mausoleum of worshipers of Aroden and his allies, located in what is now known as the village of Deadhaven on the Island of the Vibrant Dead near the ruins of Azlant. Since the founding of Deadhaven, a settlement of ghouls, the crypt's buried dead are now used as a food source for the ghouls, and the crypt is the site of the village's portal to the Maze of the Open Road.1

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The crypt hosts the Anchor of Aroden, an artifact that creates the site's connection with the Maze of the Open Road and preserves the bodies of the crypt's Arodenite dead.1


Paizo set part of the Pathfinder Society scenario The Island of the Vibrant Dead in the Crypt of the Vibrant Dead.