Facts:Firebrands (sourcebook)/Sections
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Is subsectionMarks this section as a subsection of the previous section.
default: No
On pageThe page this entity can be found on in the respective book. If the entitity is on multiple pages, this should indicate the starting page. Other allowed values are "Inside Back Cover", "Inside Front Cover", and "Inside Covers".
DescriptionA wikitext description of the entity.
- Beacons Across the Inner Sea
- History
- Life as a Firebrand
- Relationships
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.
Chapter 2: Among the Firebrands
Is subsectionMarks this section as a subsection of the previous section.
default: No
On pageThe page this entity can be found on in the respective book. If the entitity is on multiple pages, this should indicate the starting page. Other allowed values are "Inside Back Cover", "Inside Front Cover", and "Inside Covers".
DescriptionA wikitext description of the entity.
- Factions
- Fire's Finest
- Nightwave
- Salt Breakers
- Silver Ravens
- Other Groups
- Notable Figures
- Faith
- Avatar Forms
- Pantheons
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.
Chapter 3: Firebrand Options
Is subsectionMarks this section as a subsection of the previous section.
default: No
On pageThe page this entity can be found on in the respective book. If the entitity is on multiple pages, this should indicate the starting page. Other allowed values are "Inside Back Cover", "Inside Front Cover", and "Inside Covers".
DescriptionA wikitext description of the entity.
- Introduction
- Firebrand Backgrounds
- Firebrand Training
- Other Archetypes
- Equipment
- Magic Items
- Spells
- Services
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.
Chapter 4: Firebrand Efforts
Is subsectionMarks this section as a subsection of the previous section.
default: No
On pageThe page this entity can be found on in the respective book. If the entitity is on multiple pages, this should indicate the starting page. Other allowed values are "Inside Back Cover", "Inside Front Cover", and "Inside Covers".
DescriptionA wikitext description of the entity.
- Campaigns
- Vaunter's Carnival
- Mwangi Expanse
- Old Cheliax
- The Shackles
- Galt
- Katapesh
- Other Campaigns
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.
Glossary & Index
Is subsectionMarks this section as a subsection of the previous section.
default: No
On pageThe page this entity can be found on in the respective book. If the entitity is on multiple pages, this should indicate the starting page. Other allowed values are "Inside Back Cover", "Inside Front Cover", and "Inside Covers".